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Fillinx Solutions provides three engagement models: staff augmentation, dedicated teams, and project outsourcing.
Fillinx maintains a ‘bench’ of high-quality talent, enabling most clients to start within 2-3 days for staff augmentation and 1-2 weeks for a full outsourced project, once the scope of work is defined.
All work products developed under a specific Statement of Work (SOW) are considered the exclusive property of the client, ensuring that your intellectual property is protected and remains solely yours.
We prioritize confidentiality, implementing rigorous measures to safeguard all sensitive information shared with us throughout the project lifecycle.
We consider strong communication and transparency as integral to our values. Our commitment lies in delivering all IT services with a dedicated emphasis on clear and open communication.
Indeed, we believe in nurturing a relationship of trust and reliability with our stakeholders and commemorate this partnership through occasional events.
Software and solution development can be intricate. We are prepared to utilize agile, waterfall, or a client-driven development approach, adjusting to the distinct requirements of each project.
Certainly, Fillinx’s team comprises experienced architects, designers, and solution engineers who can assist your team from concept to launch.
Our agreements permit flexible adjustments to project scopes or timelines, contingent upon mutual agreement in writing, guaranteeing accommodation of evolving project needs.
Absolutely, our Master Service Agreement (MSA) incorporates clear procedures for addressing and resolving any disputes or concerns, ensuring a seamless collaboration and project advancement.